This is a blog dedicated to my two amazing kids, Lil' b and Bug. It's a fun way to keep people updated on their lives through stories and pictures posted by me, their mama.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bump Bump Bump

On Monday, my little man had a pretty major fall. We have wooden stairs up to our upstairs bedroom that he is obsessed with, and tries to climb every chance he can get. He's not even 8 months old and he's been climbing up these stairs for about a month. We have a door which is closed most of the time, so he can not climb them, but on Monday the door was open. I was taking laundry upstairs and he had just started his ascent, and I thought I'll get him in just a minute. I walked another stair up then turned to watch him fall down, thankfully, three stairs. He started crying immediately, as he had landed right on his cheek. So these pics on not for the week of heart. Here's my 8 month old son with his first black eye. He hit his cheek, but the bruise went right to his eye. It's painful for me to look at them. I'd like an eye patch to ease the mommy pain. Anyone have one? Oh, and I included a pic of the offending stairs. I hate these stairs right now, because I have fallen on them too, about 4 times. No, I'm not a graceful tall woman.


Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Poor little guy. It always hurts us worse than it does them, I swear.

I had the horrible experience of watching Lil tumble down our front stairs on her bike and it was terrifying - time stood still and I just froze, couldn't move fast enough to catch her. I know how scary that can be.

MamaP said...

Thanks Andy. It was terrifying. I had a small panic attack, feeling helpless, and had to call the doctor. Of course, they acted like it was nothing and said just ice. It looks uglier everyday.

Tricia said...

i'm so sorry for you. it is way harder for the parents. especially with the guilt side. "If only I'd..."

i hope this doesn't sound child-abusey. but i think little boys with black eyes look adorable. it gives them this tough Littls Rascals look from the '50s.